Gansey KAL - Part 1
Posted by Linda Davis on 1/31/2020 to

Today begins the first day of our Gansey KAL. The intent is to create your gansey from beginning to end, making it a unique sweater that is one-of-a-kind.
Gansey sweaters (also known as guernseys), were traditionally made from dark, dense, hard spun yarns, which protected the fishermen from wind and rain. There are several books that have been written about these sweaters.
This KAL is going to deviate from the "traditional" gansey in that the knitter can select the yarn of their choice to use for this project. Those who wish to make a traditional sweater, may also do so.
The major intent of this KAL is to give the knitter some new techniques and confidence in their knitting.
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KAL-EZ Coat, Part 5, Final
Posted by Linda Davis on 1/14/2020 to
The KAL is coming to an end. There are several knitters who are still working on their final product, but most have completed their fronts and collars. All the coats are looking fantastic.
There are some items that need to be brought up that may be overlooked by the knitter: ....
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