Thanks so much for visiting our online store. Our team is
excited to provide you with an impeccable online shopping experience and
remains available to assist at any time. If you have questions, comments or
concerns about your order or the content found within this website, please feel
free to contact us via telephone or email and one of our experienced team
members will get back to you right away.
Again, thanks for visiting our store and we look forward to serving you in
the future.
Welcome to the home of the Tail Spinner -- My name is Linda Davis, and this site is a culmination of my hopes and dreams, which I wanted to share with others who have similar interests. This site was created for those people who enjoy or want to learn about spinning, weaving, knitting, crocheting, and other needlecrafts.
Inside you will be able to find spinning wheels, looms, knitting needles, crochet hooks, and other needlecraft equipment. Do you love raw fibers and wool as much I do? Well, here is the place where those items are available. We also provide a wide variety of yarns by the skein or by the cone. As the site grows, you will see patterns and general information and new items that will hopefully help you in your endeavors.
Your input and comments are very important to me, so please take a moment to let me know what you like or don't like, and how I can better help you by completing the feedback form. Also, if there is something that you are looking for and do not find it on the site, let me know. I will try to find the item and get it for you.
The staff at the store consists of myself and Lynda. We may not be able to answer all of your questions all of the time, but we will make every attempt to find the answers for you and give you all the assistance you need for your projects. We also welcome phone orders and inquiries. If you don't see it on the site, please check with us.
The Dream
Ever since I can remember, I have loved to do needle-work of one sort or another. My father always told me that I took after my Grandmother “Maggie,” who was 'born to the needle.' Luckily, I was able to acquire some of her work and still treasure those pieces, which she created when she was alive. The most wonderful thing of all was inheriting some of her abilities.
Through the years, I never quite felt that I had achieved what I wanted to with my work. One day, my husband brought home an article in a magazine about a farm where they raised their own sheep and taught spinning, weaving, and dyeing classes. -- Needless to say, I immediately got on the phone and found out when their next class was. From that day on, my focus changed to a whole new world of creativity and possibilities. Now, I could create a work of art completely and totally. Each step is completed with my heart and soul as ingredients, and the finished product is "one of a kind."
I hope I can share my knowledge and resources with you to make YOUR DREAMS become a reality, too!
A "Good" Habit!
In today's high-tech world, our society is encountering much more stress with the busy lifestyles that everyone is leading. There have been several articles published recently on studies that show how spinning, weaving and needlework can decrease a person's stress levels. Not only is this good for your overall health, but it can increase your level of personal satisfaction and your self-image. The gentle motion of spinning and the creativity of weaving and knitting are calming and relaxing. Some of the activities can even be done while watching television or at soccer games! -- Taking time for yourself is what it is all about.
National news recently did a piece concerning the healthy benefits of our crafts, and doctors confirmed that their patients were lowering their blood pressure just by taking up knitting. Additionally, they find that mental acuity also improves! For once in my life, I was so happy to have a "good habit."
Equipment, Fiber, Books, Wool, and More
I sell spinning wheels, looms, fibers, yarns, wool, dyes, books, and other assorted items to make your crafting a wonderful experience.
All of the items that I sell are of the highest craftsmanship and quality and come from the top manufacturers. Additionally, you will find hand-painted and hand-dyed yarns and rovings from independent, small, family-owned USA companies. I try to keep a wide range of items available and in different price categories. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you should be able to find what you need. If you do not see it on the website, please give me a call or send an e-mail. This website can be daunting to keep up, and being a one-woman show, I may not always get everything out there!
Offerings and Other Information
I offer a free newsletter to my customers to keep you informed of new items, class schedules, wool festivals, tips & tricks, and other helpful information. We have gone to the digital age and send this letter via e-mail. So, please feel free to sign up to get on our list.
Unless there is a formally scheduled class, the shop classroom is open for all to come and socialize. We have knit alongs, and others come in to spin or weave or whatever. The shop has become a "refuge" for some, who just need to get away from it all from time to time.
When my
son Sean joined 4-H at the age of six and asked if he could raise an
animal, I urged him to try an angora rabbit. This way, if he found
he was not interested, I could keep the bunny and have it for its
wool. (Sounds a bit selfish, doesn't it?) Little did I know that
BOTH of US would become infatuated with the adorable little
creatures. I cannot tell you how much joy these animals are. Not
only do they produce wonderful wool, but they have matching
personalities. I will caution you that they are a LOT OF WORK and
require special care each day.
Sean did extremely well with the showing of the rabbits and received many awards from Local and National organizations. He was the National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club Youth Sweepstakes winner for the 2000-2002 show seasons for English and Giants in both show and wool categories. For French Angoras, he won Best of Breed at the National ARBA Convention, which was truly a highlight.
The years we participated in 4H and the rabbit competitions were very rewarding, and we were lucky to have met many wonderful people. It was a great experience for both of us.
More about the Tail Spinner -- Our Philosophy
The Tail Spinner is a haven for fiber artists, knitters, and crochetiers and is devoted to the preservation of old time fiber arts and needlecrafts, including the use of spinning wheels, spindles, and looms. It is our mission to help you enjoy your craft, and customer service is our number one rule. We chose to open the shop in historic downtown Richlands. The area is surrounded with old historic homes, and you may walk around town to see some of the unique architecture. There is plenty of parking, and it is quiet and laid back; and the shop is just down the street from the County Museum.
Tuesday and Friday evenings are open for you to come in and socialize. Sit and knit or crochet, or choose to spin or weave. This is also time to get help with your projects. It's a place for you to come and get away from it all.
The Tail Spinner has everything you need for any of your fiber arts projects: exquisite yarns for knitting and crochet, classes, books, videos, spinning wheels, looms, raw fiber, felting materials, and anything else you might need for your endeavor. Please feel free to stop in and pay a visit – you’re welcome anytime! But call first to get the store hours and make sure we are open for business the day you wish to come. -- Bring in your projects in for assistance and have a cup of tea or coffee and sit for a while! – Your Project is Our Passion! -- I do not charge my customers for knitting or crochet lessons or assistance. I have an extensive library of books and magazines; and if you have a problem, I am sure we can find an answer for you.
Inside our store pages you will be able to find spinning wheels, looms, knitting and crochet supplies, felting needles and materials, hand carders, drum carders, combs and hackles, books, and other needle/fiber craft equipment.
The Tail Spinner strives to bring you the very best in supplies at a reasonable cost. Our Suppliers include: Addi Turbo & Natura Needles, Art Yarns, Austermann, Bergere de France, Berroco, Bryson Distributing, Cascade Yarns, Chiaogoo Needles, Clover Products, Eucalan, the Fiber Company, Fiber Trends, Fibra Natura, Fiesta Yarns, Frabjous Fibers, Katia, Interlacements, Interweave Press, Jojo Land, Knit One Crochet Too, Knitters' Pride, Knitting Pure & Simple, Kromski, Knitting Fever, Lang Yarns, Laurel Hill, Majacraft, Mango Moon, Manos, Mountain Colors, Opal, Plymouth Yarns, Rosetti, Skacel Yarns, SWTC, Trekking, Universal Yarns, Wisdom Yarns, and Wool Around the World; and the list keeps on growing! -- We sell our products on the internet and from our store.
The Shop is Closed for the following Holidays and other special occasions, which require us to go out of town.
- New Year's Day
- Fourth of July
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
- New Year's Eve